History of Portugal

Written by a History lover

Image by National Geographic

History of Portugal

Your reference for the History of Portugal

Featured episodes from Portuguese History

The Legend of Roderick, the Visigothic King, and Florinda

This legend hails from the time of the Muslim invasions of the Iberian Peninsula. It speaks of the beautiful Florinda, the daughter of the governor of Ceuta, the visigothic king Roderick and presents a unique view of the muslim invasions

The baker of ALjubarrota

The story of a brave woman who single-handedly defeated a group of spanish soldiers. A legend from the time of the Battle of Aljubarrota

Padeira de Aljubarrota

Image by ncultura.pt

Pedro and Inês

Often called the portuguese real-life "Romeo and Juliet". Their romance inspired numerous poems and fired the immagination of a nation
Love Stories

Joana and João

The little known story of the parents of the infamous King Sebastião, who mysteriously disappeared during the Battle of Álcacer Quibir. Prince João Manuel and Princess Joana of Austria, made the best of their

Joana de Áustria

Image from wikipedia