History of Portugal

Written by a History lover

Image by National Geographic


From the Stone Age to the 21st century

Portuguese History

Stone Age migrations and constructions

Throughout the territory, there are many neolithic constructions, such as Cromlechs, Dolmens, Antas and Menhirs. There is also wall art in the Côa Valley. All these monuments show a wealth of information about the neolithic peoples, their art, religion and daily practices.

Roman Portugal

A celtiberian land invaded by Romans, who brought their language, laws, architecture, ingenuity and way of life. From bridges and roads, to the beauty of the Conimbrigan tiles and the whimsical quality of the Diana Temple, roman influence is still visible in Portugal. So visible in fact, that there is a notable festival in northern Portugal, Braga, that celebrates the romans and what they brought to the Peninsula.

Arab Influence in Portugal

Portugal was invaded by Moors from Northern Africa in 711. The Moors brought a wealth of knowledge, such as architectural knowledge, algebra and even new styles of music and architecture.

First Dynasty

The story of a battle between mother and son which led to the birth of a nation, the story of an outnumbered army which managed to defeat their enemy and preserve their nation. THe first dynasty was full of war, conquest and intrigue.

Paço dos Duques

Image from Visit Portugal

Maritime Exploration

Image by Portugal.net

Maritime Exploration

Being next to the sea, the maritime exploration was a natural path for the Portuguese to take. These explorations inspired the epic writings of Luíz Vaz de Camões and still manages to inspire many Portuguese artists nowadays.

Carnation Revolution

On April 25th, 1974, the Portuguese finally gained their freedom from the dictatorship. This revolution is an international case study as an example of a peaceful revolution

25 de abril

Image from Mar de Estorias