History of Portugal

Written by a History lover

Image by National Geographic

Wars, Battles and Treaties

Some of the most important Portuguese battles and treaties

Wars and Alliances

S. Mamede Battle

Battle of S. Mamede - 1128

Battle of Ourique

Battle of Ourique - 1139

Anglo-Portuguese Alliance

Anglo-Portuguese Alliance - 1373 - ongoing

Battle of Aljubarrota

Battle of Aljubarrota - 1385

Battle of Diu

Battle of Diu - 1509

Battle of Alcácer-Quibir

Battle of Alcácer-Quibir -1578

Restoration War

Portuguese Restoration War - 1640–1668

Tordesillas Treaty

Tordesillas Treaty 1494

Colonial War

Portuguese Colonial War 1961-1974

Peninsular War

French Invasions - 1807-1810


Founding member of NATO - 1949


Joining the EU - 1986