History of Portugal

Written by a History lover

Image by National Geographic

Legends, Myths and Tales

Portuguese Folklore


Lagoa das Sete Cidades

Image by By Açores

The Legend of Lagoa das Sete Cidades - Azores

Legend says that many years ago, there was a beautiful, blue-eyed princess who fell in love with a green-eyed shepherd. When the king was informed about the situation, he forbade them from ever meeting again. The princess and the shepherd cried over their lost love until their tears ran down the valley. The princess’ tears formed a blue lagoon and the shepherd’s tears formed a green lagoon.

The Miracle of the Roses

During the reign of King Dinis, his wife, Queen Isabel (later known as Saint Queen Isabel) was known as a very pious and kind woman. She often went to the hospitals to treat the ill and distributed bread, alms, and money to the poor. The husband did not endorse her visits. As such, she always went in secret. One January day, the queen was concealing bread in her lap when she came across her husband. When asked what she was carrying, she replied that she was only carrying roses, to which her husband pointed out that the flowers were out of season. He continued to insist, until she dropped what she was carrying. As the bread fell from her lap, it turned to roses.

Rainha Santa

Image by Terra.com.br